Activities to Improve Postural Control and Stability for your Child

There are many interesting and fun ways to improve strength and posture especially for children who need this help.

We would always advise that you have an assessment with a GP, Paediatrician or Paediatric Physiotherapist and from this the correct care and treatment plan can be put together. If you were to initially visit a paediatric physiotherapist for advice and a treatment program, if they had any concerns they will refer your child with a report to their GP, health visitor or consultant. This always ensures your child is getting a holistic care plan, should they require it.

The below exercises/suggestions are an initial guide. There a plenty more that are very effective, but it is always best to get a physiotherapist to show you how these are done to obtain the best outcome and take your child’s needs into account. After all we are all individuals.

These exercises are particularly good for children with lax ligaments, hypermobility, or co-ordination difficulties.


  • Postural control and central stability are important for functional motor skills e.g. jumping, hopping, and also for using hands e.g. threading and handwriting. This is sometimes termed core stability.
  • Practice throwing & catching with the child holding a one leg balance.
  • Make an obstacle course involving crawling under, climbing over, stepping on stepping-stones (e.g. cut out of paper or card, using tiles on the floor or chalk on a patio).
  • Encourage your child to achieve and hold different positions against gravity e.g. curling up like a ball while on back or flying like superman while on tummy.
  • If your child sits on stool and pretends to stiffen up like a statue. The parent should then very gently push child from different directions and the child tries to keep an upright posture.
  • Regularly use the local playground; climbing frames, rope ladders, monkey bars, swings; all help strengthening and coordination.


If you require any further information or an appointment for your child please do not hesitate to contact a physiotherapist at Stagg Physiotherapy.

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